I've been doing lots of mischevious and clever things! We went to the park today and when I got cold I took my mama's hand and walked her to the car, to the door she always opens for me where my seat always is. She was nice and opened the door for me and put me in the seat and then she brought me to gramma and grampa's house! It was awesome!
Today mama fed me TONS of healthy food, she even cooked me my favorite- YAMS! Yummmmmmm.
I have also discovered that I can climb onto the love seat and play with the curtain, but mama always says, "No, no, no!" and then she puts me in my bed and shuts the door!! It's terrible!!!
Chelsea came over today! It was soooo much fun! I smiled, clapped, danced, waved bye-bye and showed her how I can sign "all done", I think she was impressed.
Now I am asleep in my wonderful crib as my mama writes this for me... oh and here are those pictures of me in my green outfit! Let's hope mama finds some batteries for the camera soon.
Here's me smiling for the camera
This is me bein' the irish stud that i am
Mama likes this one best... I think I do too. Love you everyone!
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