Monday, March 28, 2011

First Haircut!

Hello everyone!! Mama finally got batteries so I can start showing you all the cute things I've been doing.

Grab a cup of something warm and delicious cuz we've got some catching up today everybody!!!

Firstly I help Mama make the bed almost every day now. making-the-bed  I'm quite good at it if I do say so myself, I help make the blankets fluffy.

Making the Bed

Here I am bouncing on the bed! Mama always laughs when I do this and don't let her know I told you this, but sometimes she bounces with me!

Mama kept trying to cover up the white fluffy blanket, not cool Mama.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! My favorite white fluffy blanky!

There have also been several times where I pulled Mama's belt out of the bedroom and dragged it into the kitchen to bang it around. It makes the COOLEST sound when I smack the shiny part on the kitchen floor.

It's the best thing in the world to play with in the kitchen, you should seriously try it sometime.


A few days ago, like two, Mama bought me a puzzle! I played with it and threw all the pieces on the ground. Afterward Mama started to pick them up, then she asked me so nicely, "Dominic, would you hand me that puzzle piece please?" Pointing to a piece right by my foot. She asked me for all the pieces on the floor and I handed them all to her! She clapped and squealed happily while squishing and kissing me. I guess Mama likes it when I help her pick things up. I'll have to do it more often.

Mama kept distracting me with those flashes from the camera- very annoying.

I love my puzzle tho...

Maestro Domino

Today was an excellent day, Mama bought me my very first instrument! A keyboard! You see the other day at Gramma and Gampa's house, Mama put me on her lap and kept moving my hands along the big white, cold pieces that go down and make nice noises. She moved them a certain way, then I moved my fingers that same way without her hand and she yelled at Gampa that it was me not her playing. She told me I had played a song called, "Mary had a Little Lamb". I showed Mama how i could touch each note with one finger and play a chord like she could. So she went and bought me this keyboard!! It's my favoritest toy!!! I play it every chance I get.

You can see my hair is short and cute in this picture too... it was a busy day but a very good day.

Bye-Bye Babyhood!!

When I went to get my haircut the lady was so nice, she handed me a comb! I played with it and chewed on it and threw it on the ground. She was a nice lady, Mama said she had "skillllz". I think that's a good thing. She gave Mama a certificate and Mama hung it up on the wall. It has little pieces of my hair taped to the corners, Mama wants to get a frame for it.

See! It's official, I've graduated from babyhood!

I also got a bath in my new blowup duck bath (it quacks!!!) but Mama didn't take a picture... you'll just have to image how stinkin' cute it was!!
Ok everybody, hope this made up for my Mama's lack of posting. Love all of you and remember if you're ever blue come see me, I'll give you a smile to turn your frown upside down!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

No camera :(

Mama needs to go get batteries for the camera Smiley so no new pictures for awhile... she does however have a few pictures of me wearing a cute Irish outfit on St. Patrick's day. Smiley

I've been doing lots of mischevious and clever things! We went to the park today and when I got cold I took my mama's hand and walked her to the car, to the door she always opens for me where my seat always is. She was nice and opened the door for me and put me in the seat and then she brought me to gramma and grampa's house! It was awesome!

Today mama fed me TONS of healthy food, she even cooked me my favorite- YAMS! Yummmmmmm. Smiley I loved it!

I have also discovered that I can climb onto the love seat and play with the curtain, but mama always says, "No, no, no!" and then she puts me in my bed and shuts the door!! It's terrible!!! Smiley I try to run away, but she always gets me and says, "What did you do that was naughty?" Then puts me in time out. Humph. I don't like time out.

Chelsea came over today! It was soooo much fun! I smiled, clapped, danced, waved bye-bye and showed her how I can sign "all done", I think she was impressed. Smiley

Now I am asleep in my wonderful crib as my mama writes this for me... oh and here are those pictures of me in my green outfit! Let's hope mama finds some batteries for the camera soon.

Here's me smiling for the camera

This is me bein' the irish stud that i am

Mama likes this one best... I think I do too. Love you everyone!

Friday, March 18, 2011


Today was a nice day, mama spent all day with me. We went to the big house with big lights and all sorts of refigerators... mama calls it Fredmeyers. We get all our food from there! Mama got stuff for a stir fry. Then we went to get Ashley, I love Ashley!
Wish she came to see me more. When we were almost home mama stopped cuz she saw a pug running around lost- he had no collar and three cars almost ran over him! She wasn't sure if she should or not, but she did. She gave him a bowl of food. I think that was pretty cool.

Then she called a few different people and some man in a blue suit came to get him, she told me later that he was in place for lost doggies and that their owner called and came to get him!! What a happy ending!

This is me and Ashley and the pug:
Ashley was so nice, while mom was making dinner she brought me outside!! I loved it.

My mom isn't giving me a bottle and it's making me mad- she did put the laundry baskest close enough to my bed though that I've been reaching through it and putting the clothes all over the floor!! Hehehehe. Hope you all had a happy day!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Walkin on sunshine!

We had a long eventful day today... the first thing i did today was walk on sunshine! Have you ever walked on sunshine? It shines right onto the floor and mama and kelly don't understand how AMAZING it is that there is bright, glorious sunshine right at the tip of our toes!! Smileys

After that mama ran around the house moving our clean clothes (since yesterday was laundry day) from here to there. Smiley I had a delicious bahbuh (bottle). Yum.

Then mama went crazy. SmileyShe began to pull all the stuff off the bed and move everything around, she says she's "cleaning" but it looks like she just moves everything from one place to another, so i don't understand why she gets mad when i move the laundry out of the laundry basket! If cleaning is moving one thing from one place to another, and cleaning is a good thing... why can't i pull the laundry out of the laundry basket?! Ahem.
While mama was busy moving stuff out of the room all crazy like, I scrambled up on the bed to get that ball of sunshine with a cap on it. It ALWAYS SHINES even when it's dark outside- that little ball under the red cap shines bright like the sun. Mama caught me right as I knocked it over. She laughed cuz it didn't break and told me it was cheap and she was just glad i was okay. I think she loves me more than that shiny ball with the red cap on it.
She took this picture of me as I was reaching for it.

After THAT grandpa came over and helped mama set up the crib! I was so excited to get inside it and jump on the springy mattress! I even danced! Facebook smileys It was AWESOME!!! Mama took a video of it, but she said the computer was being rude... Silly mama. Here's a picture of me in it- see how happy I am!

Now I am in bed asleep like a good baby. Mama made me chicken and potatoes and squash for dinner. Then I spilled juice down my shirt so she dunked me in the big white bin with all that clear wet stuff. She dumped it all over me, i loved it! Hope you all had a day just as wonderful as mine. Love you all!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Laundry day!

Today is one of my favorite days... Laundry day! This means I get to see my two favorite people, Grandma and Grandpa!
While mama was out doin whatever it was she was doing, I decided to show Grandpa how strong I am! The Cat (who is my favorite, even when he scratches me) has this silly plastic cup around his face, and I looked at the cat with the cup around his face and thought, 'I wonder if I can pick up Cat?' thinking Smileys  I grabbed that weird cup around the cat's face and with all my strength pulled up! Yep, I can pick up Cat- off the ground! Grandpa didn't like that and made me put him down.  Since mom wasn't there and grandpa wouldn't let me do it again, we just have a picture of me with Uncle Nolan and Cat.
Once my mom finally came back she decided to do her hair while waiting for our clothes to get all washed up in the big "wooshing" machine. Mama asked Grandma to help her with her hair and while she did I decided to check out what this bathroom was all about. There was SO MUCH GREAT STUFF in the bathroom counter! I grabbed aunt Joanna's purple hair dye and immediately started tasting the lid to figure out what it was all about... mama didn't like it, she kept saying it made my mouth purple. Then while she was moving over laundry i started to help her, you see, mama doesn't know it, but I am the BEST HELPER EVER... If she'd just let me help her! Anyway, she didn't like me closing the dryer door, even though I'm a PRO at it... and threw me in the laundry basket- she handed me the hair dye to show you guys how much i love it.
Well, this about sums up my day! Thanks for stopping by, drop me a comment and say hello. Love you all!!!

This is me looking out at the rain... I wanted to go outside but mama kept saying "no"

Monday, March 14, 2011

i WILL open doors!!

Today, my mom wanted to go potty. ALONE. I don't know WHAT she was thinking... but I thought it was REALLY RUDE.
Not only was my mom ignoring me, but Kelly (who is the love of my life... even tho that stinky boy Matt doesn't know it!) CLOSED HER DOOR TOO!!
Short summary: Mom was going potty without me and Kelly was playing with Matt... instead of ME. Smiley First thing first, I went to try and open the door to help mom go potty, she never ever lets me help her! I'm SO good at flushing the toilet, I don't know why she doesn't let me do that for her, it would definitely cut down on potty time. As I was quite successfully wiggling the knob inspite of the "security" handle she put on it, I thought to myself, "Kelly is way more fun than mom, mom puts me in time out when I do things like flush the toilet 50 times... Kelly wouldn't... what is she doing playing with that stinky boy anyway, she should play with ME." Onward i moved to Kelly's door! Quite happy to say I removed their "child proof handle". BWAAAHAHAHA! Child-proof but not Dominic-proof! The handle was SO COOL though! It was white and smooth and it broke in half!!
It was truly one of the highlights of my day... also, got to snuggle with Kelly... yay! She's awesome!
Oh and mom made a big fuss about it but I decided to wear big boy shoes finally. Walked outside all over the ground and there was so much poop in the grass! Mom wouldn't let me touch it though. Those big boy shoes make my feet feel wobbly, so mom held my hands, which was pretty awesome. I love my mom, but seriously, she should let me help her out with the potty... Oh and thanks for typing this for me mom, you're so smart. I love you!
(Me and Kelly ->)