Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fun Day!

Last night Mama and I went to Grandpa's house to go pick up the laundry... on the way home I decided I should get a head start on helping her fold it... hehehe...
This morning Mama and I ate muffins... snuggled, i drank milk, she drank her coffee which she NEVER shares... anyway, then we went to go get Cousin Olivia.
Cousin Olivia and I went to the park together, it was so much fun! Olivia had Mama hold her hand when she went down the big steep slide, but i just rocketted down it all by myself!! She always was there to catch me of course... so why worry?
Then we went home and had a delicious snack of grapes and apple juice:
What an awesome day! She also fed us cottage cheese, mac and cheese and then Olivia and I shared a popsicle. Yum!
Mama was busying all day, folding the laundry I had tried to help her with last night... after she had put all the dirty clothes in the laundry I decided to have a little fun...

Mama has the best shirts!! I wish she would let me wear them!

It was fun to see my Mama laugh.
Tonight she read my three books, and she read each of those three books three times!!
She also sang the "itsy-bitsy-spider" to me five times... I wish i could make my hands do the spider! I try everytime, it's so much fun!
Hope all of you had as much fun as I did today!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Pip-pip-cheerio!.. and oyster crackers...

Today was a very boring day, but I learned to make the best of it!
Mama was running around calling on her phone and filling out paperworks so furiously that she hardly had time to throw some tomatoes, turkey and cheese on my lunch tray. Smiley
After i was done eating my lunch, and tried running around the house, climbing up onto chairs and desks making mom stop her silly paper scribbling every five minutes to chase me... hehehe... i discovered something AMAZING! Mama had forgotten to tie the cupboards closed like she usually does. Yeah... she uses a shoelace to tie the cupboards closed... pretty smart. BUT she forgot today! I decided to get myself a little snack.
It was so much fun! Cheerios are delicious... There were so many awesome things under the cupboard!!!

I don't even know WHAT i've got in my hand... i think it's some cardboard... and my foot is resting on an ice tray... I even found some oyster crakers! I grabbed the bag and the FLEW EVERYWHERE!!! It was so cool! You should've been there- my Mama laughed and laughed...

Yep, my work here is done. After all this mess making I was EXXXXXXXXXXXXHAUSTED so I decided to catch some z's...


What a lovely day! Hope Mama always lets me play in the cupboard, but I have a feeling when I wake up my mess will be gone and the cupboard will be tied up again. *Sigh* I guess I'll just have to dream about making messes until she forgets again!!