Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Apple, big boy cups and crayons!

It's Christmas week and I'm so excited to get my Holiday on!!! WOOO! Yesterday was an awesome day! Mama and I stayed home together and did all sorts of fun stuff.
After I got up from my nap I was really, really hungry.... Mama starting cutting up an apple for me and got super excited when i said, "apple" for the very first time- that apple was so tasty! She took a picture of me with my apple right after I said it... she's so silly!
Once I'd finished my apple she set me at the table with three of my favorite foods, shredded cheese, olives and tomatoes! Then she poured me a glass of milk in a big boy glass! She used to help me every time but now she lets me do it by myself and I didn't spill at all! I did end up putting some olives in my milk and Mama thought that was pretty funny.
Mmm, mmm... milk is delicious!
After that we got out some crayons, I still can't quite say "crayon" but I can say "paper"! Mama had this cardboard box that she was letting me draw on and then we came up with this cool game, I would roll the crayon to Mama down the box of the lid and then she would lift the lid slightly so that they rolled back to me! Then I figured out how to make them roll back to me without Mama's help. It was the best game EVER!
I also liked to roll the crayons from side to side and of course draw a lovely abstract piece on the box itself.
I think it's funny that Mama takes all these pictures of me and sometimes I try to steal the camera, but this time I posed even though I was still sleepy from my nap.
I have been going through an intense growth spurt recently. Instead of only eating part of one egg I eat two eggs for breakfast! I also love to eat cottage cheese, pickles and olives, just like Grandpa!
Uncle Nolan is staying at my house for awhile, which is pretty cool. I love when I get to hang out with my uncle.
Well folks, I'm exhausted, so I'll say farewell for now, next time I post I will probably have some Christmas pictures!!! Until then, have a very Merry Christmas!

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