Friday, August 26, 2011

I'm back!

Hey everybody- mom is really sorry she hasn't been posting but her computer broke. Smiley It's a sad time for all of us, but she has been taking some pictures. She's using my grandma's computer so she can share them with you all! Smiley
Ok i'm getting grumpy mom, it's almost naptime! hurry up and post this blog!
Speaking of naptime, here are some sleepy shots:

I was so tired, i was asleep sitting up!

I'm tryin on mom's shoes right here

I look better than she does when i wear 'em!

Mama was fixing her dresser drawer. I decided to help her out!

This is Audrey, she's over a lot nowadays

I'm basically ok with it.

This is my in my changing table, my mama put it in my new room and i was so excited i had to climb in!


Whoa... i think i'm suck, um, mom, put down the camera and come give me a hand

Oh and this is me and my cousin Olivia, she was here today when mom and i got here.

I've been pretty busy lately, but i still make time to climb into weird spots and even take a nap every once in awhile. Love you all! Leave me some love.  Smiley